Instagram Marketing - Best Time to Post to Instagram


If you're a brand looking to maximize your reach on Instagram, you're probably wondering when is the best time to post to the social media platform. The truth is, there are many factors to consider when it comes to Instagram marketing. One thing to keep in mind is that your audience is different from the next person, so the best time for you to post isn't always the same as it is for your competitor. The best time for your account might not be the same as another person's, so it's a good idea to segment your audience by country and/or midwestern state. If you're targeting global Instagram accounts, it's important to know when your followers are online.

Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays

When it comes to marketing on Instagram, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are some of the best days to post. These are the three days when users are most active, and are most likely to engage with your posts. The most popular time to post is at 4 p.m., but this time can vary wildly depending on your audience. For example, a younger audience is more likely to engage with your posts if they are posted on a Friday. If you are targeting a more mature audience, try posting on Sunday or Monday.

There are a couple of other important considerations. Mondays are best for posting images, since they are the first days of the week, because many users are browsing through their feeds. Wednesdays are a little different. Those who follow people at work will typically have a shorter attention span. As such, you may want to post a video during this time. Similarly, Tuesdays are also good times to post IG TV videos. Live Instagram is another great option.

HubSpot agrees that the best time to post on Instagram is between 1 PM and 5 PM

The best time to post on Instagram varies depending on the time of day. HubSpot advises posting between nine and six a.m. CDT. Social media marketing platform Sprout Social recommends posting on Thursdays between three and four p.m. Sprout Social also recommends posting on Friday at five am. These are good starting points to grow your Instagram audience.

While it's not possible to find a specific best time to post on Instagram, recent studies give an idea of the most popular times to post. Check out the insights section of Instagram to find out more about your target audience's habits. The best time to post on Instagram depends on your audience and type of brand, so the more specific demographic you target, the better.

Later's Best Time to Post feature

If you're looking for a simple way to optimize your Instagram marketing, you can use Later's new Best Time to Post feature. It will automatically calculate the best times for you to post and will also give you a full breakdown of your audience's time zone. Later's algorithm is based on the top performing posts of the past few months and is customized for each account. Sprout, another popular Instagram marketing tool, has data scientists who collect information from their customers to determine the best time to post.

Researchers at Later conducted studies on various time zones to see when people are most likely to engage with Instagram posts. The researchers also looked at when brands were most likely to have engaged users and found that posts that were posted in those time periods were less engaging. The results varied by industry, but it seems that Wednesdays and Thursdays are the worst times for posting on Instagram. The best times to post on Instagram are Mondays and Wednesdays, and should be based on your audience.

Hootsuite's posting times

Aside from boosting your overall engagement, it's also important to optimize posting times. Facebook's news feed algorithm isn't ideal for showing posts at the time they were published. As a result, your posts will likely never reach your followers until much later. But a systematic A/B test can help you identify the best posting times. For example, you might want to post during the day, but the optimal time to do so is between 9 a.m. and 11 p.m. PST.

When posting on Instagram, brands should avoid the time when users aren't online. Instagram users tend to engage with content during their breaks. Therefore, posting during these times may cause your content to be stale. Additionally, the algorithm on Instagram emphasizes fresh content. Therefore, you'd want to avoid posting during the peak times. If you're unsure of when your followers are online, use Hootsuite's posting times chart to get an idea of when to post.

Social Pilot's posting times

If you're not quite sure when to post on Instagram, Social Pilot is a good option. It lets you create and schedule posts from multiple accounts, including Instagram, and then automatically shares them on your behalf. SocialPilot offers a variety of social media integrations, including Zapier, which automatically posts content on your behalf. In addition to Instagram, SocialPilot has many other platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Whether you're using Instagram for business purposes, or as a hobby, SocialPilot gives you comprehensive reporting of your campaigns. It provides detailed statistics on each post, including reach, engagement, and retweets. It also gathers demographic data on your target audience, including age and location. It also lists the most popular categories and posts. The tool allows you to reshare your posts during these high-traffic times.



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